Positivity does not bring manifestations – Komal Sikka

No matter where we are in life, these are the two terms we often hear. We are often asked to be positive about situations. Have we ever wondered why? Haven’t we ever come across people who are negative but are still so easily having things their way? And the difficulties of the path never seem to end for us? Then what is the advantage in being positive and optimistic, really? Let’s try to answer these questions in today’s beauty.

Positivity and Negativity – the two terms that win the competition for being the most misunderstood terms. The two terms that everyone talks about, but not many really understand. Labeling a situation or an action as ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ is, by far, the most judgmental act anyone can ever do. And the most useless one at that. We understand that no situation, in itself, is good or bad. It’s all a matter of perception. For example, playing loud music in a club is a good thing, but in a mourning ceremony is not. So, is the loud music good or bad? Nothing. It just is. What we often tend to forget is that a circumstance in itself is neutral. What makes it positive or negative is our perception. What creates our perception? Our belief system. No? Let’s understand this.

My general belief about myself: Whatever I want usually tends to slip out of my hands!

Circumstance: I lost a job or a business opportunity

Perception: See, I told you! Whatever I want slips out of my hands!

 Let’s look at another one:

 My general belief about myself: What I truly want always finds its way to me. And it often makes its own space in my life without me having to do anything. I am always taken care. I am always protected. I am the best child of divine. My inner being is my best lover. The only thing it ever wants is to see me happy! It always works out in my favour.

Circumstance: I lost a job or a business opportunity
Perception: See, I told you! What I want always makes its own space in my life. Now that space is created. I am eager to see what is about to follow. I am so excited!

 Looking at the above, it is evident that our beliefs create perceptions and our perceptions, in turn, solidifies our belief system. It’s a vicious circle. Therefore, a very, very, in fact, the single most important thing is to be aware and watchful of what we are choosing to believe. That’s what is creating our vibration, our state of being. And our external world is a reflection of our state of being.

 Okay, got it. We have heard it many times before. But how does it all tie up to positivity, negativity, and synchronicity? The right timing. Let’s take it up now. What is positivity? Anything that’s wanted, that’s in the direction of what you desire. Negativity? The opposite. Anything that’s unwanted, that’s opposite to the direction of what you desire. You wanted to set up a business, but you are losing clients? Negative circumstance, right? Or is it? Is it again not our perception? If my belief system is the latter one, that everything is always working out for me, am I not looking at this situation as the people who were not profitable for my business are moving out of my experience, making more space for the profitable people to come in? So then losing clients is really negative? Or can it be positive depending on the perception?

That’s clear. But you also said that labelling things as positive or negative are the most useless acts of judgement. And why is that? Good question. Because positivity DOES NOT bring you the results that you want. No matter whether you think what you are doing is positive or negative, or whether what another person is doing is positive or negative, what brings you results is your belief system. What you believe about that act is what brings you results. For example, going by the society’s norms, exercising is a positive thing. Because exercising will bring us a healthy body. But what if my belief system is this: I don’t know what’s wrong with my body, no matter how much I exercise, I don’t lose weight. Or Even if I lose weight, I’ll gain it back again as soon as I stop. It’s just my body type. If that is the system my actions are getting filtered through, will exercise be able to bring me a healthy body? NOTHING CAN HAPPEN IN YOUR EXTERNAL REALITY OUTSIDE OF YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM! So, does it matter whether you label something as positive or negative? Do the words positive and negative, in their conventional meanings, really even exist? And now do we understand how, some people, in spite of being negative, always get what they want and some people, in spite of following positivity, don’t seem to get what they want? Because there’s no relation.

Then why are we always told to be positive then? I mean everyone tells us to. Is it all untrue? Again. Depends. Let’s close the loop on this whole conversation. Being positive DOES NOT mean lying to yourself or pretending that everything around you is rosy or not accepting that you didn’t like something. Being honest about your feelings is one of the most loving acts towards yourself. But the conventional meaning doesn’t view it so. If there’s really anything that being positive signifies is having a general belief system that no matter what, it is always working out in your favor. And your inner being is always taking care of you. And it is bringing to you the best it can based on your belief system! You create the boundaries (by your belief system), your inner being brings to you the best it can within those boundaries. That’s it. Other than that, there is nothing that is truly positive or negative. It is only your perception. Your perception comes from your belief system. So, if you believe what you are doing will bring you results, your inner being says yes. You want to have this belief. It serves you in your desires, hence positive. If you believe that results don’t come to you easily, your inner being says yes. You don’t want to have this belief. It doesn’t serve you in your desires, hence negative.

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