Return to Appreciation!

DESIRES, a ‘steaming hot’ topic for discussion; whether one must desire or not and how much is necessary or legitimate and what if the desires stems from greed..etc etc…there are a million ways in which the subject of desires can be scrutinised. One common phenomena is that people always desire what seems out of reach for them. The farther it is, the stronger is its longing, creating a sense of craving for the same. Eventually, we become comfortable with this urge. It’s not just considered normal but is also hugely acceptable to live in a state of deprivation and pain. Ever wondered why do we have such huge tolerance for misery? As desires get associated with more lack and less creation, the pain of an unsatiated desire becomes intolerable; and we give up the desire feeling hopeless and unworthy, defeating the very purpose of manifestation. So that’s the normal cycle of a desire from birth to death; it surely has lead a life of unfulfillment! While the universe plants these desires in our minds for us to get skilled as creators and maximise our joy; we are conditioned to believe that we aren’t worthy of enjoying the fruits of these desires. As the latter is what is largely faced in the human experience, it’s obvious that something is either missed or misunderstood by us.

Here is a humble attempt at resolving the paradox. The purpose of creation being joy, desires are meant to give us a sense of freedom. In other words, every time we desire something, we are supposed to feel hopeful and also assured of the outcome. Neither are desires a labour of hardwork or ‘good fortune’, nor are they evil perpetuating sin. Also, fear, doubt or any other resistant energy don’t serve the process. For the sake of ease and comfort, lets differentiate desires from needs. A need (basic necessities) need not be desired as it is always provided by the universe in the very design of existence; while a want is a matter of freewill at our disposal to manifest or not. However, a want must be understood at a fundamental level. Firstly, is this want genuinely sprouting from your own heart or is it influenced by the likes of the majority; for a herd mentality will always push one towards seeking inclusion but fails to guarantee joy. Sometimes, we seek material benefits because we see others enjoying the same; this in no way is symbolic of us having an equivalent appetite for digesting those wants. So, its really important to ask ourselves if our wants are really ours or borrowed from the society.

Secondly, learning to question the want/ desire for what it is promising is the second step towards freedom from the pain associated with desire manifestation. Some questions that can help us find deeper answers are listed below:

What is the purpose of my desire? How is it going to fulfil me? What part of me is going to get nourished? What is the emotional value behind this manifestation ? What aspect of my unique self-expression gets fulfilled through this desire?

May I illustrate with an example; for instance if one desires to go for a vacation, one must enquire about the reward of this experience. Is he/ she looking for thrill and adventure, peace and tranquillity or just a change from the monotony. As per Law of attraction, what one wants is what one HAS; however we fail to notice and acknowledge its presence as well as value in our lives. In other words, we lack appreciation. Lets remind ourselves that what we appreciate in our lives, appreciates itself. It’s about finding the joys in the little things that we take for granted.

When the attachment to the desire is released, the universe finds a way to fulfil it for us. in this situation, if we could find joy and peace sitting under a tree or appreciating the beauty of flowers in a garden in our vicinity, we would increase the probability of manifesting that holiday we so desire. It truly humbles one at heart to recognise that the inner state is independent of material manifestation. As the resistance is released, a deep opening in the heart is felt that welcomes and allows the new to flow into our lives. And that is the true state of Abundance which is manifested without effort. Our beings have the capacity to expand into feeling love, joy and peace irrespective of any objective experience. When we learn to go inward, we emerge evolved each time by meeting who we truly are…SOURCE! It’s a union in love with the self. So, appreciating the seemingly ‘insignificant gifts’ of life can be so rewarding. First, it would help us increase our attraction power and secondly, it would deepen the experience of feeling the expanse of our consciousness evermore. Hence it is reinstated over and over again that we cant manifest from lack; and the reason people give up on their desires in their state of being.  

Now that we have identified the missing link, it must be clear to most of us that the importance of Appreciation is highly understated. Given that this is the highest vibration in our Emotional Guidance scale, wouldn’t it be nice if we appreciate a lot more.

Appreciation is done for the sake of appreciation; a critical mind will be very selective in honouring the offerings of life. The level of appreciation (if any) will be directly proportionate to the utility derived from the object in question. However, appreciation cant be transactional; it’s a subject of the heart where the joy of appreciating something or someone is thoroughly enjoyed by a cherished being. Most people feel very righteous about being critical; believing that they are the authority to give any kind of feedback and that they help others to ‘improve’ themselves. Its sad to see people confine themselves to such fallacy of the mind; imprisoned in the vibration of doubt, criticality and unhappiness, which mirrors their own impoverished inner states.

When one appreciates, its not to get something in return, its to contribute towards uplifting the collective consciousness and shifting from comparison to compassion; and the benefit of such benevolence is enjoyed by the contributor first. So could we join hands as aware beings to raise the frequency from despair to hope. Can we be supportive of each other by enabling each to see that they are all heroes and that we need not look anywhere else for recognising our worth. Could we walk each other home towards feeling fulfilled this very moment. The more we appreciate, the more whole and complete we’d feel about ourselves and also others.

Tip : Do not be selective when appreciative; be generous and creative for the doors of abundance find their opening through the channel of deep appreciation of Everything just As Is. We are not here to fix things or people; we are here to acknowledge who they are as beautiful creations of Source. Remove the blindfolds of criticality that look for problems, because you would find what you are looking for, and that has nothing to do with your eyes for perfection, it’s a law in action. If you don’t find anything to appreciate on the outside; it’s a wakeup call for you to look within and start your inner work and be kind to self. Your soul is thirsty for your love. Nourish, nurture, replenish that which is within, for you are whole and complete in your skin!


Naz Chougley

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