Is attachment to desire really a bad thing? – Komal Sikka

Like I promised in the last article, this week we will tackle the topic of attachment to the desires!

Let’s breakdown the topic and start with what is desire?

Desire is anything that I want to see in the world different from what it is right now. Is it a bad thing? No. Wishing for something to happen is how creation happens. Now let’s understand the process of creation. In a nutshell, something happens that I don’t like -> it tells me that I want things to be different -> I form my desires for something new through my ‘feelings’(Umm, why did you highlight it? That, I will tell you in a while) -> that new is manifested in the world. Ta-da! The Universe just expanded because of me! 

But is it really this simple? Then why do some of us not get what we want, while some of us see manifestations almost instantly? Hold on to your current question while I answer the previous question – why I highlighted the word ‘feelings’. Words, language are the means that human beings created to be able to easily communicate to each other. But before the words were formed, how did we use to communicate? Animals who do not understand the language that we speak – how do we communicate to them? Through our energy. How do we direct energy to a certain message that we wish to deliver? Through the feelings. What we feel forms energy. This energy goes out into the Universe and brings back the feelings that I used to create the energy. This energy is also the medium of communication with the Universe or the Inner Being or the God or the Master or whatever you want to call it. I prefer using inner being because it makes me feel that the seat of power inside me, but you are free to use whatever brings your power to you, not to something outside of you. So, back to the point – this energy is what we use to communicate our desires to the Universe. Not words, but energy. How do we create this energy? I’ll wait. Through our feelings. I’ll repeat – 

I feel certain feelings -> feelings create energy -> energy goes into the Universe’s big mean creation machine -> the creation is reflected back to me in the physical world.

THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE! NONE AT ALL! Input energy, output manifestation; input energy, output manifestation. And this cycle goes on!

Now, I’ll take your other question – why do some of us not get what we want? Go to the start of the process – that’s where your answer is. Where? You guessed it right – FEELINGS! Again. When we form a new desire, it’s done. It’s created. Take it with a pinch of salt. It’s done the moment a desire is formed inside us. In fact, the desire forming inside us IS itself an evidence that it is done. Otherwise, we, in our limited 3D form, would not even be able to comprehend this desire in our mini minds. Would we even be able to create something in our heads that is not already existing in the Universe? It may be in a form of an idea, but it exists! The only thing that needs to be done is to change its form from an intangible idea to a tangible physical reality. BUT. There’s a big BUT. Big enough to change the whole game. FEELINGS. When the new desire is created, what is the belief we hold inside us about that desire? It’s too big, too difficult, the situations are not in my favor, etc. This will create the feeling of unworthiness or it’s not possible. This feeling creates an energy of “It is impossible”. This energy of impossible goes into the Universe’s big mean creation machine. The Universe says tathastu. What shows up? Impossibility of everything INCLUDING my desire.

But if my belief is – outer circumstances don’t matter. They are an illusion. Not a factor. If I want something, I know for a fact that my inner being will find a way to make it happen. Let’s spend some time thinking how my life will change when my desire is here. Oh, how happy will I be. This belief creates a feeling of happy anticipation, optimism. This feeling creates an energy of joy. Joy goes into the Universe’s big mean creation machine and the Universe says tathastu. And the output? Everything that is joy to my soul INCLUDING my desire.

Okay, I get this. But where does attachment to desire comes into picture from? Ha, you thought I digressed, didn’t you? I did not. I was setting up the foundation. Now that you’ve got this, let’s come to the final nail in the coffin – attachment to desires. Every religion, every spiritual scripture, every self-help book that you read tells you to let it go and not be attached to anything. Why? They all cannot be stupid, right? But, to a six-year old, I’ll explain why. What is attachment? I want this to happen? No. I really, really want this to happen? Somewhat there, but not really. I want this to happen so much that my life would be disastrous if it doesn’t show up. That’s it! Where is my desire? Where is it, where is it? Yes. So now you see, attachment is a feeling of desperation. What is the underlying feeling beneath attachment or desperation? Where I am is so uncomfortable that I can’t wait to get to a place where I feel better. So what is the energy that I am creating by this feeling? The energy of lack! That my desire is not here yet. This energy of lack goes into the Universe’s big mean creation machine.. and you know the drill by now!

Now let’s see what happens if we are not attached to the desire? Irrespective of my feelings about the desire, if I stop putting any more energy into it, I stop adding to the lack. Then what remains? The energy of the desire being here. And by now you know by heart what happens if the energy of my desire being here goes into the Universe’s big mean creation machine.

So now, can you see a very, very, very important point? That it is NOT the desire, but the attachment to (desperation of) desire that is the cause of all our pain and suffering! And by now, you know very well, how!

Ohkay, I get it theoretically. But how do I know I am attached or not attached to the desire? My answer stays the same. You want the answer to any question – go to the feelings. If you feel where is my desire? Where is it? Why is it not coming yet?, you are exhibiting attachment. But if you are in a space of feeling Happy with what I have, eager for more or happy if it’s here, happy if it’s not or the world will not end if this doesn’t show up, I am sure my inner being will bring the best that is for me, well then you are in a space of non-attachment.

But you see, we are human beings. Is wanting to see them appear in reality not natural? It is. And it is okay to want to see your desires appear in reality. But can we not make an effort to spend my energy into happy anticipation than feeling that it is not here yet? How to balance it? You just have to be in a space of alignment more than you are in a space of lack. 51% is the golden number.

And how do I get into a space of happy anticipation?There are soooooo many ways out there, but my favorite one is – look at the situation just like my inner being looks at it. Whenever a thought of where is my desire pops up in my head, I generally go back to thinking,How will my inner being look at it? Will my inner being think that I have a certain lack in my life? Or will my inner being see that I have all that I need right now and it’s paving way for more! Isn’t my inner being so, so thankful to me for desiring this? And why wouldn’t it want me to have it? It’s a win-win situation for both of us! In thinking like my inner being, I become more and more aligned to my inner being’s way of looking at a situation. That brings me to a space of happy anticipation.

Nooowwww I gedit! Cool. And before we sign out, a bonus tip. There are three laws that I have marked in my head to be 100% true without any exception, which I return to whenever contrast strikes:

1. Like attracts like. If this is what I am creating, I must be emitting the same. What am I emitting? What am I FEELING right now? That is creating an energy, which is going into Universe’s big mean creation machine, which in turn is creating this circumstance.

2. Universe abhors vacuumAbsolutely. There is no vacuum in the Universe. Say it again and again and again until you remember it by heart. THERE IS NO VACUUM IN THE UNIVERSE! Whenever something goes out, something else WILL rush to fill it in. What fills in is determined by the feeling, the energy that we send out. The same cycle. There’s a circumstance that I don’t like, it creates a feeling, I form a new desire, I create a feeling around my desire, my feeling creates energy, energy goes into the creation machine, creation machine creates the manifestation.

3. Last and the biggest one – THE PRESENT MOMENT IS PERFECT! Get it tattooed!

Off to sleep now, goodbye until next week!

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