Finding You!!

Something doesn’t feel enough; and we know that there is more to life. What limits our experience of fullness is the critic inside our head. This resistance won’t let us go full throttle unless we release the energy that is stocked up. The boredom we feel is a call for creation, urging us to find our passion and purpose. While contentment can be good, it is also the cause for stagnation.

All concepts are generated within the confines of the factory settings established by the mind; as a result, we have reduced our beings to feeling inadequate. The games played by the mind are believed to be serious, with us (as consciousness) being on the losing side always. The demons of competition and comparison would get the better of us making us feel unworthy. Stuck between duality, we either effort (fight) or escape (flight), leaving no room for acceptance of what is as natural. Sadly, the mind has made preferential living a parameter for experiencing joy.

The truth is that the vice resides within the virtue; it’s the oscillation that we must enjoy and appreciate rather than feel stuck over an idea of perfection. Since we can’t dodge this dance between extremes, we must open our hearts to embrace our failures and faults, for our awesomeness is permitted to include our flawsomeness. Too often, judgements echo in our minds, blocking the normal flow towards expansion. My sincere prayer for humanity is the ‘Demise of Projections’; the false idea of who we are has been dominating this race far too long. An entity called ‘Mind’ has been reigning as The Supreme Power over the Sublime Grace of Consciousness. The only way out of this suffering is to wake up to Truth, and that to me is primordial. Its urgent to the point that we may be speeding head on towards self-destruction; not knowing we are driving with our blind folds on.

Thoughts trouble us, but let me assure you that they are neither real nor tangible. We suffer at the cost of our own minds, feeing disempowered and having no sense of control over the intensity of the tsunami these thought waves engulf us into. The stickiness of our beliefs can be alarming, making us rigid and resistant to let go. Both our relationships and our health are at stake because we don’t question the futility of our thoughts. Forgiveness has become such an issue that we seek endless therapy to feel free. In actuality, neither is there a victim nor a perpetrator, unless the mind creates one (Now you know who is to be blamed !). Truly we are living in an illusion!

The mind has to be confronted to stop it from scheming against life. The fear has become big and these assumptions make the ghosts in our heads real. What is going to take us to stop the madness?  Why are we always ready to be doomed? We may start slow but we have to start somewhere, sometime and it has to be NOW. A gap interceded in the midst of a story is the need of the hour. A breath of awareness may be the answer!

Lets call this attempt ‘Project Wake up’! Some of the pointers to realising the simplicity of the process is illustrated below:

  1. A simple practise is to look at the thoughts, so the mind feels conscious of itself and the thoughts recede in the background. Try it, you will be surprised to notice that as you begin looking, you will find nothing.
  2. Shift focus from the thoughts to the thinker. In other words, both context and content are irrelevant. Bring your attention inwards, towards the Self as Awareness and follow the natural rhythm of breath. Congratulations, you have just reclaimed your power!
  3. When your mind is playing worst case scenarios in your head, it’s a LIE. Kindly make that a Thumb Rule! It gets easier to recognise the façade when it doesn’t make you feel good. For the truth is that, God is a giver and you can safely stop doubting life’s ability to bless you.
  4. All self-blame, guilt and shame is a trick of the mind to trap you into believing that you are a victim. The motive is to create a sense of separation from consciousness, so you are possessed by your own thoughts. That story of the past is redundant and every action of yours, even if it seems inappropriate is forgiven by the Divine. Tathastu!!
  5. Neither past nor future exists, except as a story or a worry. Both are deceptions, preventing you from enjoying the gift of the present. Only this moment is real, tangible and textural and no power can stop you from breathing life into your lungs. 
  6. When you notice the mind engaged in blame, resentment and hurt; take charge to peel off the layers of ego and break the myth of expectations. Grow in your ability to grant benefit of doubt and come back to knowing that every particle in the universe loves and adores you. Besides, Its nobody’s responsibility to make us happy; so make the route from expectations to acceptance the shortest!  

I may reiterate over and over again that the voice in the head is not real. You can look at it in the eye and wake up from your dream state. The reality is you are not your thoughts; you have the power to stop the thoughts and also create the thoughts at will. Between the STOP and START button is YOU. Just pay attention to Who You Are. The whole existence is waiting to be explored before creation, through You.

Make knowing Thyself the mission of your life, for what you are here to uncover is your own power beneath the myriad of multiple choices offered at all times. Consciousness is programmed as the effortless manifestor within our beings; the joy is in the journey of discovering the elements of this awareness rather than chasing manifestations. However, to recognise the magician and to pronounce miracles, the mind has to be surpassed. Trust is a Must! One needs to feel limitless and stop seeking permission from the mind to exercise life’s full power; for consciousness is not dependent on conditions for excellence, it already is whole and complete. But what matters is that we have the eyes to see it and if we continue to perceive through the filters of projections, we will see the world broken. The universe loves us so much that it will wait patiently to meet us till we  recognise the Truth, but it certainly will not interfere in our freewill, for Love does not judge!

We have been sleeping since a long time now under the spell of this mind driven conditioning. Here is a heartfelt prayer to the Divine to shake us up so we could awaken from the delusions of separation and unworthiness. May we all wake to Who We Are; wake up to our own presence, wake up to being love and wake up to operate as Source! And So It Is!  Amen!!

Namaste !!

Naz Chougley

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