Ladder of Faith!

No compromises when it comes to Faith; nothing less than 100% will do, if you are expecting a lucrative return on investment. When we are nurtured by faith, we are living on the brink of miraculous existence. 

So, lets explore what does it mean to be ‘Living in Faith’. Faith is a vibration that contradicts doubt. Most of us know what doubt feels like because largely people experience this more often than normal. On the contrary, faith is a deep sense of assurance that guides our actions towards love and awareness. Faith and Surrender go hand in hand, not like lock and key metaphorically…but more like the tenderness of a fragrant flower blooming on a majestic tree. Indeed, it is such! 

Over a period of time, humanity has conditioned itself to stay anchored in ego centric outcomes; as a result, programs of playing worst case scenarios hijack the opportunities of new neurons wiring and firing together to create possibilities or solutions. Our creative juices are suppressed because our ability to think differently is largely diminished by our stubbornness towards sticky patterns of prejudice and playing small. The question here is how do we break this loop of destructive self-sabotage that really has no basis to continue perpetuating a victim story. 

I would like to invite all of you to redefine what is the ‘Unknown territory’; for too often, we hear people talk about the fear of the unknown. Doubt is an offspring of such fear around the unknown. One creates what one expects and in the ascertaining of fear, one has already manifested a reality where the fall can’t be averted. But such a premonition is ‘falling from grace’! 

As a believer in miracles, may I say that there is nothing not known about the ‘unknown’. Its just a terminology of the ego mind to keep you on your toes looking for danger. If I were to attribute any quality to it, it would just be LOVE. Every particle in the universe, (known or unknown) is filled with the presence of the divine. Even if one has to jump without a safety net, he/she can be rest assured that the universe is so benign, it can’t hurt us. We would be held and comforted every time. 

Our dependence on seeking proofs for what’s ahead in time takes us further away from witnessing the unfolding of an otherwise assured positive outcome. At the deepest subconscious level, we suffer from a major ailment called ‘unworthiness’; hence we manifest our fears more often than our desires. Thanks to our persistent thinking, worrying and thereby creating an outcome matching our self fulfilling prophecies rooted in disaster! Since we do not want to own up our creations, we blame the universe and labels like the ‘Unknown’ compensate for our irresponsibility towards life. The truth is that neither do we believe, nor do we expect the highest to manifest for ourselves; and the reason being lack of Faith. 

When it comes to faith, one has to realise that neither is there any secret to be revealed, nor are there any ways to forsee that the path beholds blessings. We cant have a preview into the future, you just have to know that its Superb, Awesome and Amazing! This shift in perspective is about moving from perception to Truth, from knowledge to Knowingness; and from seeking to Being The Source. How do we create such a shift that honours the flow of wellbeing and acknowledges the effortless ease in every given moment? Not living in faith is not counting your blessings and the experience is that of bitterness and lack, at will. Fortunately, this can’t be ignored any further, for the damage done to consciousness is huge. Some of the practises that can be implemented on an urgent basis are listed below:

1.       Whenever the mind imposes threat around a future event, get aware and say, ‘SHUT UP’…or let there be a signboard denoting STOP to break the continuity of a downward spiral.

2.       It’s a good idea to repeat to yourself a number of times during the day, Nothing serious going on here. On doing so, you would experience an instant feeling of relief and the reminder of taking things lightly can allow humour to be a part of your experience; for humour is a high vibration to be practised by every LOA aspirant.

3.       Do not own up the responsibility of figuring things out; yes, you read it right. If you want to Up your ‘faith frequency’, its not your headache to get things done or undone. Delegate it to your best Source, which ofcourse is the Universe. When working with faith as your force, you just command (not demand) from your worthiness and place of alignment and Ask the universe to take over. It’s a firm hand over where you Know that Source knows and Source will do more than the needful (being humble is crucial).

4.       ‘If there is a problem, the solution already exists’….make this your motto! Its all a part of the big game (nothing serious going on here ). it’s a creative process that is entertaining itself. If we forget to have fun, then we are missing the mark.

5.       Cannot emphasise this enough… ‘this too shall pass. Learning to keep things small, not making problems significant or resisting them, can speed our way to accepting and creating from inspiration. Whoever said that life is constant and misery is permanent, needs some ‘serious’ therapy. 

6.       You are only and only being tested on your ability to Keep the Faith. This is the biggest learning in life. The universe is an entity that may not be perceived through our senses, but the spirit is attuned to its frequency. Just relax into this awareness that the soul has a contract with All That Is and the answers will be revealed in time. 

7.       Our trust in the unfolding of events will pave the way forward. You are always in the right place at the right time. Indeed, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. If you remind yourself about appreciating the design in the whole matrix, you would know that the invisible hands of the universe are working things out for you. it is exactly when you feel that nothing is going on, that’s when something big is on its way to showup…(brewing in the background). 

The divine will always test you against your attachment so that you are free…and that my dear, is LOVE! No longer will the fear of the unknown captivate your spirits, for the ‘unknown’ will be a known dimension infused with love, joy, creativity and God’s presence. God makes Her moves only in the terrains of ‘assumed unpredictability’, cause a plan is redundant in God’s dictionary. His map is always current! Its You who has to walk this path. So, surrender to this love and let the universe show you the way. 

No more procrastination please! Trade Faith for stress, for the universe can transmute that energy into love. Learning to hang in there can be most liberating. It’s a feeling of being suspended, sometimes even a free fall, but all for fun… trusting or not is your freewill!  You are absolutely covered by the largest insurance ever. Its for you to claim your freedom!  

You are never alone, the universe has your back….may you realise this soon, sooner….may it be NOW! May the Unknown be Known for Being Love alone… And So It Is..Amen !


Naz Chougley

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