The Journey of a Desire!!!

The Journey of a Desire

A desire feels delicious, atleast it is supposed to feel that way!

If that’s not how you feel about your desires, then you are doing something else and are not a part of the creative process destined towards ‘Desire manifestation’!

I would urge you to look into your asking, because its certainly not a desire you are ‘feeling’ and feeding. It is a craving! An urge or a longing coming from the seeker’s mind is different from the flavours of a satiating desire. That which originates from lack or a sense of wanting to feel complete is misunderstood by most people as their desires. As energy flows where attention goes, it’s a good idea to always check where is your focus; is it on the desire or on the lack of it?

A desire is always from the heart, its never of the logical mind, for then it would become a project aimed at analysis and subjective paralysis. Desire is not a goal that’s to be achieved. It’s a dream that’s to be fulfilled, not by you but for you (by the universe).

The Law of Attraction is an elusive subject, that aligns to whatever you are focussed at. It bends and blends with your vibrations and in the direction you are moving. What is astonishing is that we are walking with our blindfolds on, living an assumption that we can see what is ahead; not knowing that there is nothing to fall back upon if we don’t stop, pause and breathe to see where we currently stand. Its time we wake up from the dream of unawareness and begin creating deliberately rather than operating through a ‘redundant’ program. As we open our hearts to receive the light that’s always here, we will know that we have not really understood the simplicity of the universe with which it manages all of creation.

The conception of a desire begins with liking something. Soon, this idea starts germinating into a want because the ego seeks possession. What was meant to give us pure joy is now being sought as an object of continuous pleasure. This is how the mind looks for ways of how it can make experiences permanent; and anxiety is born infesting joy! It then becomes an endless quest of trying to fill a bottomless pit which is exactly when the purpose of desiring is lost. You become needy of your wants and the embryo doesn’t meet life.

So let’s see where we have been going wrong. Given below are a few questions you need to ask yourself to come back to alignment and sync with the desire manifestation process. Lets get down to basics!

1. Do you feel abundant ? You cannot live in lack and expect to manifest abundance. So check right now on a scale of 1 to 10, what is your rating? Its only an abundant mindset that can attract more of it. The simplest measure of abundance is gratitude and building your gratitude muscles can be very humbling. If you are not grateful, then you are taking life for granted, only one of it is true!

2. Is happiness one of your core values in life or is it conditional on the manifestation of a certain desire?  Desires cannot contribute to your sense of wellbeing if you make (material) possessions the source of your happiness or fulfilment. Sometimes people think that they would get happier on achieving something and they postpone their happiness for a future date. On the contrary, desires are just ‘add ons’ to your already fulfilled state of being as feeling fulfilled is non-negotiable with the universe!

3. Are you trying too hard to manifest something? If that is true, then you are taking life too seriously, for creation is a game and the only rule here is to have fun. If you get desperate and are efforting your way through, you are far from manifestation. Your job is to master alignment and make that your highest commitment. Only this can help us maintain a sharp focus on what we want to achieve.

4. Do you feel stressed or anxious thinking about your desire and face difficulty envisioning the fulfilment of your desire? If you feel fear about your desire not manifesting and the  mind is frequently caught up in unpleasant stories around ‘what-if’ scenarios’, it’s a clear sign that you are feeding the ego and are focussing on what you don’t want. The purpose of desire is to have fun and experience joy in the creative process. The destination is never the focus, enjoying the journey Is! Your job is to feel the joy right now; not postponing it for a future event.

5. How do you feel about not having what you want right now? Our worthiness is always challenged by what others have and we don’t. It’s the pain one goes through in the wanting of something that deters the purpose of desiring something. However, if you truly understand the divine will behind holding on to a desire, even the wait is a beautiful experience, brewing up your consciousness to such sweetness that you release the aromas of deliciousness for the final outcome

6. Do you often feel jealous noticing the achievements of others and have a tendency to feel not good enough about yourself? This indicates your belief in your unworthiness causing you to swing in the opposite direction of what you want to manifest. When you bless others and are happy for their success, it activates your creative juices as you  evoke your dormant creative ability, urging you to wake up to your own power of thoughts and feelings.

7. Do you lack faith or doubt the process and/ or feel impatient around your desires? Holding on to faith is not hanging on to a crutch; on the contrary, faith is the foundation that fosters assurance in the outcome. Desires are baits thrown to us by life, so we stay hopeful in the excitement and anticipation for a future manifestation, because that’s the energy life seeks from us at all times. Only faith steers the wheels of visioning leading us ahead in the direction of progress.

8. Do you take actions without making intentions?  Intention is the language understood by the universe for receiving our instruction on what it needs to deliver. When we emit frequencies of joy, love and peace ahead of the event, the universe learns how to direct our desires towards manifestation. Also, intentions must be held lightly, and not tightly as they would then be clinched ‘in tension’! Cultivating a habit of intentional living can be the answer to faster, smoother and easier manifestations.

9. Are you taking adequate actions? If yes, do they emerge from impulse or inspiration? Being a part of the creative process, the universe always communicates through insights and instincts. In such situations, one needs to take actions without delays or doubts as the universe likes speed. Sometimes, people are either agnostic or lazy and avoid taking action because the onus to manifest is conveniently shifted to the universe. Action do not indicate hardships or hard work, on the contrary, when the Being is aligned, all actions are inspired and create momentum for a physical manifestation to show up.

10.  Are you wanting to manifest a desire because you want to prove something to yourself or others? You are source; You are eternal, You are consciousness! How can Source ever prove its worth? If that’s the intention, then it doesn’t fit in the desire manifestation requisites. The only purpose is expansion and fun!!

11. Are you attached to the outcome or are obsessed with your desires? A delicate balance between desiring and letting go has to be maintained and nurtured. While the excitement of future manifestations can ignite the fire of passion, our focus on the lack of it can also instil a sense of despair in us. Our attachments create interference, fear and doubt that can backfire substantially. The answer lies in practising detachment from the outcome, as once we have made the intentions, there must be a deep knowing that the universe shall deliver!

12. Check your conversations and choice of words to evaluate if you are playing a victim. So many of us demonstrate helplessness, believing to be the recipient of random events, only to reinforce that we lack control over the process. This signifies a vast deviation from our alignment and a choice to anchor in lower vibrations, perpetuating the self-fulfilling prophecy of playing a ‘poor me’. In other words, being a victim, one can’t aspire to be victorious!

13. Do you have a tendency to live in the past?  If you look through the rear view mirror for directions ahead, you are focussed on the past (most feel regret, guilt or remorse over their past) and you will only recreate it. Staying anchored in the Now is a pre requisite, for the present moment is pregnant with possibilities. As much as the future must inspire you, your past cannot serve as a reference point.

14. Are you more of a critic and cannot feel appreciation for life? As a Law of Attraction aspirant, one needs to know that appreciation is amongst the highest vibrations to practise and supports alignment with source. Being habituated at looking for what isn’t working, critically evaluating situations and cribbing can be seriously detrimental to the process of desire manifestation.

15. Most importantly, how do you handle your contrasts/ challenges/ duality ? Your ability to handle your current reality from your alignment is the key to closing the gap from where you are to where you want to be. The more reactive you are and the more you resist ‘what is’, the more it shall persist. Letting yourself know that ‘This too shall pass’ and holding yourself back from the pattern of drawing conclusions, feeling miserable and both blaming or shaming, is the master key to enable the fulfilment of your intentions.

16. Are you open to sharing the gifts of your manifestation? If your desires hold the intention of serving others, they are aligned to the universe’s intention of serving us. An attitude of ‘whats in it for me’ is oriented towards selfish motives and that’s not the vibe of the universe. Abundance grows only by sharing. So if your desire encompasses the element of allowing others to partake the benefits you will derive, it’s pure intention@work that will surely meet its destiny of manifestation.

 Looking at the pointers above, one can clearly do course correction and recognise the loopholes that create delays and denials in the process. What is most important to remember is that you, as a creator must feel the power of creation pulsating in your heart. Its not worthy thinking you are not worthy for any reason as the truth is that source supports you and it backs your intentions Desires are here to make us feel evermore alive through the impulses of enthusiasm, creativity and spontaneity. A constant reminder that you are worthy of manifesting your dreams can be very encouraging.

So lets understand that desires are here to fuel passion for life, instil love for creation and foster life towards continuous expansion. They truly are instruments of joy and we all can have a better and healthier relationship with our desires. One wouldn’t resist the impulses felt for life, as the journey of a desire would then be destined to reach its outcome from hope and assurance. That’s when the baby is born and life meets more of life! And so it is. Amen !

Naz Chougley

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