Finding You!!

Something doesn’t feel enough; and we know that there is more to life. What limits our experience of fullness is the critic inside our head. This resistance won’t let us go full throttle unless we release the energy that is stocked up. The boredom we feel is a call for creation, urging us to find our…

Return to Appreciation!

DESIRES, a ‘steaming hot’ topic for discussion; whether one must desire or not and how much is necessary or legitimate and what if the desires stems from greed..etc etc…there are a million ways in which the subject of desires can be scrutinised. One common phenomena is that people always desire what seems out of reach for…

Ladder of Faith!

No compromises when it comes to Faith; nothing less than 100% will do, if you are expecting a lucrative return on investment. When we are nurtured by faith, we are living on the brink of miraculous existence.  So, lets explore what does it mean to be ‘Living in Faith’. Faith is a vibration that contradicts…

Nothing Serious Going on Here!!!

As a coach, my clients hear me say this multiple times, ‘Nothing serious going on here’.  Sometimes people can perceive this as insensitive and also offensive, because for them their problems are real and serious! Many also choose to believe that they are victims, left with no choice, but to suffer the consequences of something…

Taste of Peace!

There are some of us who pray for God to bestow His mercy by honoring us with His darshan (physical manifestation in form). The experience of God is most sought after by the religious mind. Over a period of time, the human mind has invested itself in the thinking faculty which makes it more logical….

The Gift of Forgiveness

       I hear many people say, “Forgiveness is not for me” or “ I am not yet ready to forgive”; and such conclusions prevent their seeing of what is holding them back from moving ahead in their lives. Ironically, people would rather choose to suffer at the expense of their beliefs and ideas,…

The Journey of a Desire!!!

A desire feels delicious, atleast it is supposed to feel that way! If that’s not how you feel about your desires, then you are doing something else and are not a part of the creative process destined towards ‘Desire manifestation’! I would urge you to look into your asking, because its certainly not a desire…