Resistance and Contrast by Komal Sikka

When I decided to write on this topic, I noted the title and kept staring at the screen or scrolling on my phone for the next 20 minutes. THAT’S what resistance is. How I tackled it is a topic for another day!

Coming back to the subject, resistance and contrast is a hot trending topic in the Law of Attraction community ALL THE TIMEWhether one is new to the study or practicing for years and years, this is a topic that many continue to struggle with, which keeps the topic as an all-time favorite. And therefore, brace yourselves, today I take this monster down!

To quote Einstein (Guruji pranaam!), “if you can’t explain something to a six-year old, you probably don’t understand it yourself”. For simplicity is genius. So how do I explain resistance to a six-year old in a simple manner? I would start with understanding Law of Attraction first. Law of Attraction, in simple words, states that like attracts like. What does that mean? Any type of energy attracts similar energy in life. Everything is energy – even thoughts that we think. The type of energy that we put out in the form of thoughts and beliefs attract similar type of energy to us in the form of life that we experience. In short, what we believe, we create. This establishes one basic ground principle: YOU, ONLY YOU, ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS IN YOUR LIFE! And if you have the power to create something in your life, you also have the power to change it. GOOD NEWS!

What appears to stand between us and the life we desire? That’s resistance! Resistance is any feeling of being against the flow of life. No? Let’s try again. How about this – Resistance is the failure to accept anything the way it is right now. If you feel you are stuck in an undesirable situation and you feel the need to change or push against it, it’s resistance. You didn’t like the way a person behaved with you? It’s resistance. Whenever you are experiencing something and you “feel” it should be different than what it IS right now, you are experiencing internal resistance. Internal. Not External. PERIOD. Take a moment to let that sink in. Some might think, “Oh when this affected me, I didn’t react, so I have taken care of the resistance right there! Woohoo good job!” Umm, no you did not. Let me burst your bubble here. Irrespective of the action you decide to take or not take, if it triggered something within you, it exists.

Umm okay, I sort of get it. Go on, I am listening! Now, when there’s a wobble created inside you, the reflection of that wobble is created in your external world as wellThat wobble creates undesirable circumstances in lifeWhen anything outside seems to go against what we want, that’s contrast. In essence, contrast is how we experience internal resistance in external world. Get it? What is internal is resistance. Its external counterpart is contrast. Resistance is when you “feel” something is against your desire; contrast is when you “experience” situations going against your desire. What you believe inside that is limiting us is resistance; what you see outside because of that belief is contrast. Same to same. Partners in crime! Phew, good to have that off the table now.

“Excuse me, I should know this because?” Good question! For starters, can you stop blaming others and outside circumstances for the contrast? Can you now own that resistance is inside you and any contrast outside is ONLY because of the inner resistance that you created?

Secondly, because contrast is your best friend! It’s a general tendency to believe that contrast is a bad thing and it should not happen. And if it’s happening, I must be doing something wrong. NOOOO! Stop it. Right now! Contrast is only out there to show you what you believe inside to be true. That’s all there is to it. If you can go inside and “choose” to release the beliefs that are not serving you anymore, the purpose of the contrast is served. Isn’t contrast a good thing then? Isn’t it necessary for my expansion? While contrast may be necessary, suffering is completely optional.

And now the billiondollar question – how do I release the non-serving beliefs? A simple answer to the billion-dollar question: choose a different belief 🙂 A belief is nothing but a point of view! Read that again. A BELIEF IS ONLY A POINT OF VIEW! That’s it! Can you change your point of view? Of course!

Too many dots left unconnected? Let’s look at this situation that I recently faced and cleared on myself:

Situation (Contrast): I want to travel from Pune to Delhi (my hometown) but I am not getting the permit to travel home. So many high contacts, but nobody is able to get it done. Spent 10 days in making calls, but nothing happening.


Stuck-up Me: What is this? How idiotic is the bureaucratic process in India! People on the ground themselves don’t know what to dobecause the government is changing guidelines everyday without informing the workers.That’s why our country is in this condition right now!

Aware Me: Stop lady, stop! Okay! I have tried everything that I could in the 3D world. I am becoming aware that I have started to feelstuck nowI absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, know that with-out is with-in pushed out! Time to look within and find out what’s going on here. (What I feel is my responsibility, remember?)

Probing starts:

What does this situation of being stuck make me “feel” about MYSELF?

What I want doesn’t matter. There are better things to do than addressing my desires.

I feel this way because?

I feel that I am not a priority(This belief right here, that’s my resistance!)

I believe this to be true because? (The first thing that pops up in my mind, EVEN IF it seems completely bizarre)

ELDER KID SYNDROME. My brother was always the pampered one, I, the responsible one. We all always made sure his wishes are fulfilled, even if that meant compromising on our own.(That’s the belief system uncovered sitting in front of me!)

Now that I have dug up my underlying belief, does the present me still think that it holds true now? That belief served me back then. It protected me from being disappointed in that moment. But to the present me, it is not required anymore. I can choose to drop it now. Will my inner being ever, ever, EVER say that I am not a priority, that my desires are not important? Does my inner being have ANY WORK other than fulfilling my desires? In this belief, am I being the version that my inner being sees me as? Or am I being the version that my inner critic sees me as? In order to be aligned with my inner being’s version of me, I DECIDE RIGHT NOW THAT THIS CIRCUMSTANCE IS NOT RELEVANT TO ME ANYMORE!! I don’t need to create this contrast again in order to see what I was believing to be true. I have seen what I needed to see, and I have made a different choice NOW.

Where all have I been a priority? I counted all the places where I already am a priority. I couldn’t stop counting. And just like that, the old belief was invalidated. And a new belief system was enforced.

Result: I got my permit sitting in my mailbox the next morning before I woke up. The highend people who were trying and were not able to get it, found a way to make it happen overnight. And my permit was the first they chose to process. Because my desires were important now. And I was a priority! Now that I chose to let go of the old belief that created this situation, THIS SITUATION DID NOT NEED TO STAY IN MY LIFE ANYMORE!

So, isn’t contrast SUCH a useful tool if we use it to our advantage, more than any other technique or tool out there? Contrast always makes me goWeeeeeeeeee!”, because it doesn’t make my manifestation go away, it is bringing it closer! So, go out, desire with full heart, make contrast your best friend, and live the life you always wanted! It’s that simple J

Did this post resonate with you? Did it open some gates in your mind? Or was it just bleh? Whatever it is, or if you have any questions, or any situation that you want to look into, feel free to let me know in the comments section. I love engaging with people 🙂

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