Nothing Serious Going on Here!!!

As a coach, my clients hear me say this multiple times, ‘Nothing serious going on here’.  Sometimes people can perceive this as insensitive and also offensive, because for them their problems are real and serious! Many also choose to believe that they are victims, left with no choice, but to suffer the consequences of something they aren’t responsible for and are left at the mercy of their destiny. Helplessness is their badge! Well, to that I will come around even more strongly and repeat a million times that there is nothing serious going on here; because Truth alone triumphs and we all know that ‘THIS TOO SHALL PASS!’

We need to take responsibility for not creating a sad script in a beautiful setting called life. If God hadn’t given us the freewill to create through our thoughts, life indeed would have been simpler, easier and as natural as inhaling the next breath. But the creator is so benevolent that, not only did He make us in His image and likeness, but also blessed us with the freedom to manifest abundance and more. The mind is the tool for just that, however, we use it as a storehouse for memory where old painful experiences are stacked for further reference. Nursing our wounds is one of our favourite pastimes. Unless we grow in the awareness of what we are doing with our thoughts and how we are choosing to feel in the given moment, we would never be able to take a detour to Love. This GPS is certainly heading towards disaster.

Moving from a victim to a victor is a conscious shift and requires courage, will and commitment from us. There has to be a voice bigger than your subconscious program that reminds you by whispering in your ears, ‘Nothing serious going on here’. These gentle nudges of awareness can serve as lifesaving mantras for awakening to our true nature. Only love is real, all else is an illusion and if we could see through the drama of life, we would realise that all pain is self-inflicted. The question is when will we rise above the ordinary and aspire to create value and a wealth of joy, peace and innocence. It’s not just our birth right but also inherent choice and embedded ability to fulfil the soul’s mission of meeting Itself. The mind has to support these intentions of joyous creation rather than take scores of goals accomplished and/ or unfinished.

The entire purpose of existence is to have fun; consciousness simply wants to experience itself in multiple creative expressions, devoid of the labels of failure or success. Learnings may be included for further expansion (only to make the game ever more interesting); not to create benchmarks for improvement, for such a concept doesn’t resonate with Source. How could Source improve upon itself ! Life understood from the creator’s perspective is simply an assurance towards evolution and we are already the best versions of who we could be right at this moment. Hence, we will have to be conscious of not being harsh on self, so we don’t waste precious life decorating the ego with pride and prejudice. Where did we pick up the concepts of mistrust, hate, judgement, fear, sadness and all the lack that we are harvesting season after season. When did we learn to get so serious?

Most have their grief brewing around relationships and the idea to seek justice for all the hurt incubated is hot selling! Our concepts of right or wrong are hardened every time the mind looks for evidence to match its disempowering beliefs about life and people. You are feeding the enemy by living in the past and in the process, creating karma when you demonstrate resistance to forgive and let go. Of course, the pain is real and the emotions may be difficult to handle; but only till you learn to empty this suppressed energy. Once the emotions are addressed and released (through various release techniques), be rest assured that you will laugh at your own story. Since what we think is also equal to what we feel and vice versa, the mind will be arrested and the Being finally rested! All drama is futile if the reality can be worthwhile and only you can create such a life story with Awareness and Happiness !!

People change and so do their behaviours; every situation is temporary; then why carry impressions of what’s so transient into our consciousness. Somewhere we have forgotten to move on and prefer being stuck with righteous notions of falsehood over freedom. Each time we submit to such slavery of the mind, we give in to its tantrums and loose our power to question our thoughts. True freedom is in being empty of concepts and fully feeling this space and vastness, where divine could inspire us with intelligence to create the extraordinary life we are worthy of enjoying. What if we believed that every particle in this universe is madly and passionately in love with us(including all the people who act as our triggers). Harbour and nurture this idea, just for fun and let life reveal its magic to surprise your senses beyond imagination.

As a Law of Attraction coach, my only work is to instil hope in people so they can look at themselves through the eyes of God; Pure and Untainted! Life is a play of the Gods; don’t take it so seriously…just watch, witness and let it wither.I would sincerely urge all to accept this as your mantra for the rest of your life, ‘Nothing serious going on here’, so you choose freedom over bondage in every breath you take. Choose to be the son of God; when the kingdom is yours, it makes no sense to confine being tortured by thoughts & projections which only create aghast stories, ascertaining the worst outcomes. Your ability to withdraw attention from anything that doesn’t make you feel good determines your rightful place on this planet. And this is once again for all the heartbroken and hardship advocates, ‘Nothing serious going on here’! Choosing happiness is not a sigh of escapism, it’s a sign of bravery!!

Choose wisdom, choose awareness and choose love as there are no filters here; there is only truth and it is so liberating! For truth is not a perspective, a fallacy or perception; it’s your natural state of Being, always anchored in Joy. And if truth could be encrypted, you would hang in there to witness the Self as Nothingness, before creation… as The I AM.

Wisdom ways…some practical tips:

  1. When you notice the mind creating stories around victimhood or blame, just say out loud…STOP
  2. When the mind tries to convince you that you are miserable, tell it ‘HOW WONDERFUL’ or ‘IS IT SO?’
  3. Use the power of ‘SO WHAT’ when it wants to believe that others are better off than you.
  4. Remind yourself a million times a day that you are not your thoughts and cut the supply of power by doing CTC (CUT THE CRAP)
  5. Simply breathe into your emotions and feel them fully by mentally repeating, ‘ITS OK’ to feel whatever I AM feeling
  6. When you catch yourself not smiling, ask yourself, ‘Why so serious?’ you know why… because, ‘THERE IS NOTHING SERIOUS GOING ON HERE’!



Naz Chougley

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